The syntax is valid in all those three examples, the right one depends on
what you need.

The first query executes a proximity search (you can think to a phrase
search, for simplicity) so it returns no result because probably you don't
have any matching docs with that whole literal.

The second is querying the my_text_field for all terms which compose the
value between parenthesis. You can think to a query where each term is an
optional clause, something like mytextfield:jurassic OR mytextfiekd:park...
(it's not exactly an OR but this could give you the idea=

The third example is not doing what you think. My_text_field is used only
with the first term (Jurassic) while the others are using the default
field. Something like mytextfield:jurassic OR defaultfield:park OR
defaultfield:the.... That's the reason  you have so many results (I guess
the default field is a catch-all field)

Sorry for typos I'm using my mobile


Il mer 11 lug 2018, 17:54 Wei <> ha scritto:

> Hi,
> I am running filter query on a field of text_general type and see
> completely different results for the following queries:
>    fq= my_text_field:"Jurassic park the movie"               returns 0
> result
>    fq= my_text_field:(Jurassic park the movie)               returns 20
> result
>    fq= my_text_field:Jurassic park the movie                  returns
> thousands of results
> Which one is the correct syntax? I am confused why the first query doesn't
> have any match at all.  I also thought 2 and 3 are the same, but turns out
> quite different.
> Thanks,
> Wei

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