: >  defType=edismax q=sysadmin name:Mike qf=title text last_name
: > first_name
: Aside: I'm curious about the use of "qf", here. Since I didn't want my
: users to have to specify any particular field to search, I created an
: "all" field and dumped everything into it. It seems like it would be
: better to change that so that I don't have an "all" field at all and
: Does that sound like a better approach than packing-together an "all"
: field during indexing?

well -- you may have other reasons why an "all" field is useful, but yeah 
-- when using dismax/edismax the "qf" param is really designed to let you 
search across many diff fields, and to associate query time weights with 
those fields.  see the docs i linked to earlier, but there's also a blog 
post on the scoring implications i wrote a lifetime ago...


: > ...the examples above all show the request params, so "f.last.qf"
: > is a param name, "last_name" is the corrisponding param value.
: Awesome. I didn't realize that "f.alias.qf" was the name of the actual
: parameter to send. I was staring at the Solr Dashboard's selection of
: edismax parameters and not seeing anything that seemed correct. That's
: because it's a new parameter! Makes sense, now.

that syntax is an example of a "per field override" where in this case the 
"field" you are overriding doesn't *have* to be a "real" field in the 
index -- it can be an alias and for that alias (when used by your users) 
you are defining the qf to use.  it could in fact be a "real" field name, 
where you override what gets searched "I'm not going to let them search 
directly against just the last_name, when they try i'm going to *actually* 
search against last_name and full_name" etc...)


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