What are the steps for upgrading a non-clustered SOLR version?  Here's what I 
thought should work:

1.      Open a bash window and ssh login to desired server with your Linux 
admin credentials

2.      Change directories:  cd /opt

3.      Download the latest Linux/OSX version direct to server:
sudo wget http://apache.claz.org/lucene/solr/x.x.x/solr-x.x.x.tgz (replace 
x.x.x with the latest version number)

a.      Additional download mirror servers are available
@ http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/lucene/solr/7.3.1 if the 
http://apache.claz.org is site is slow.

4.      Login as root user:  sudo -i  and enter you admin password

5.      Unzip the .tgz file:  tar zxf solr-x.x.x.tgz

6.      Change directories:  cd /

7.      Stop SOLR service: service solr stop

8.      Confirm that SOLR is stopped:   service solr status

9.      Change directories to your user home directory:  cd /home/myadminlogonid

10.  Create new solr symbolic link in your user home folder that points to new 
SOLR version:   ln -s /opt/solr-x.x.x  solr

11.  Move/replace current symbolic link:  mv solr /opt

Phil Staley
DCF Webmaster
608 422-6569

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