
  I am running two solr instances on the same machine using the same data
directory. one on port 8982 and the other on 8984.

   - 1st one *only accepts commits* (indexer) -- *port 8982*

         -- It has all tha cache size as 0, to get rid of warmup of

   - 2nd one* accepts all the queries*.(searcher) -- *port 8984*

         -- It has non-zero cache size as it needs to handle queries

   - I have a cron *which does a dummy commit to the 2nd instance (on port
   8984)* to update its searcher every 1 minute.

         --- *curl http://localhost:8984/solr/update -s -H
'Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8' -d  "<commit/>"*

 I am trying to use this as a *solution to the maxWarmingSearcher limit
exceeded Error* that occurs as a result of a large no. of commits. I am
trying to use this solution as an alternate to the conventional master/slave

  I have following questions

   - *Is there any known issue with this solution or any issues that can be
   foreseen for this solution?*

*       -- does it result in a corrupted index ?

   - *What are the other solutions to the problem of "maxWarmingSearchers
   limit exceeded error " ?**  *

 A would really appreciate a quick response.

Jagadish Rath

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