
I am imagining that at some point you may need to shard that data if it grows. 
Or do you imagine this data to remain stagnant?

Generally you want to add solrcloud to do two things : 1. Increase availability 
with replicas 2. Increase available data via shards 3. Increase fault tolerance 
with leader and replicas being spread around the cluster.

You would be bypassing general High availability / distributed computing 
processes by trying to not reindex.

On Aug 7, 2018, 7:06 AM -0400, Bjarke Buur Mortensen <>, 
> Hi List,
> is there a cookbook recipe for moving an existing solr core to a solr cloud
> collection.
> We currently have a single machine with a large core (~150gb), and we would
> like to move to solr cloud.
> I haven't been able to find anything that reuses an existing index, so any
> pointers much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Bjarke

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