I created a JIRA issue to track the Trie field removal effort: 


> On Aug 7, 2018, at 11:48 AM, Shawn Heisey <elyog...@elyograg.org> wrote:
> On 8/6/2018 11:52 PM, Hendrik Haddorp wrote:
>> Below the table the following is stated:
>> /All Trie* numeric and date field types have been deprecated in favor of 
>> *Point field types. Point field types are better at range queries (speed, 
>> memory, disk), however simple field:value queries underperform relative to 
>> Trie. Either accept this, or continue to use Trie fields. This shortcoming 
>> may be addressed in a future release./
>> Given that it is suggested that one can keep using these fields can I expect 
>> that the types are not being removed in Solr 8?
> As far as I know, they will be removed in 8.  They WOULD have been removed in 
> 7.0 -- the underlying Lucene legacy numeric classes that make the Trie fields 
> possible were removed in Lucene 7.  By including the source code for the 
> legacy numeric classes in the Solr codebase, we were able to keep the Trie 
> fields around for another major version.  This was extremely important for 
> backwards compatibility -- without doing that, it would not have been 
> possible for Solr 7 to read a large fraction of existing Solr 6 indexes that 
> were NOT using deprecated Solr 6 classes.
> Even if Trie fields are removed, Solr 8 will be able to read any Solr 7 index 
> that is not using deprecated types.  This is the historical backward 
> compatibility guarantee that Solr has always had.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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