H Shawn,

Thank you very much for your response! 

Solr DataImportHandler "could not" directly index MongoDB collections. I
used open source SolrMongoImporter project
(https://github.com/james75/SolrMongoImporter) on top of Solr DIH to to
directly index data of MongoDB collections.

What I did was that I wrote a new Java class (public class EntryTransformer
extends Transformer) to convert the ObjectId to a String and to flatten
MongoDB document.  

Here is my data-config.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<dataSource name="MongoSource" type="MongoDataSource" host="localhost"
port="27017" database="dw_v2" />
<document name="import">
<entity processor="MongoEntityProcessor" name="Entry"
collection="core_entry" query="" 

So overall, I didn't change any code in the following projects. 


Since MongoDB or other NOo-SQL database are in the trend of increasing
usage, I wish that Solr will develop new tools or extend its
DataImportHandler to allow directly index No-SQL document.

All the best!  

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