On 8/21/2018 8:05 AM, Sandesh Ingawale wrote:
We have ecommerce base web application and we used SOLR for search.

Now we want to implement SOLR authentication and SOLR ranking feature with our application.

We need to do this programmatically(C#), can you please suggest what should be approach we have?

OR If you have any code snippets please send us. SOLR authentication needs to done with our application.

As well as please let us know if we need to do any configuration.

There is a C# client and a .NET client for Solr that are referenced in the documentation.  These are third party software, so you would need to discuss usage with those projects, not this one.


I tried as per below link but after change in jetty.xml and restart the SOLR, it gives error.

https://support.ptc.com/help/windchill/wc111_hc/whc_en/index.html#page/Windchill_Help_Center/WCInstall_WCIndexSearchConfigStandalone_BasicAuthStandalone.html <https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport.ptc.com%2Fhelp%2Fwindchill%2Fwc111_hc%2Fwhc_en%2Findex.html%23page%2FWindchill_Help_Center%2FWCInstall_WCIndexSearchConfigStandalone_BasicAuthStandalone.html&data=02%7C01%7Csingawale%40hitachisolutions.com%7Cb16a784de60848da5fc208d60758ee0b%7Ce85feadf11e747bba16043b98dcc96f1%7C1%7C0%7C636704475867457814&sdata=txxrNJkfOyxfSEQL1kXEybDJfdgB3TMCH1goEB2LPqA%3D&reserved=0>

Those instructions are for a version of Solr that was not produced by the Solr project.  If you're using a version packaged by someone else, you'll need to talk to whoever did that packaging.  We have no idea how they might have changed things.

Here are the official instructions for enabling basic authentication in Solr:



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