On 8/21/2018 7:11 PM, Ahmed Musallam wrote:
I'd like to build a UI plugin for solr, I can see all the ui related assets
in `/server/solr-webapp` but is there a way to add UI plugins without
modifying the ui assets under `/server/solr-webapp`?

by plugin, I mean some way I can add a some form of UI to the admin UI, and
even better, make is specific to a certain core.

any tutorials or documentation would be greatly appreciated!

The admin UI is composed of static assets.  When a user accesses it, they download html, css, images, and javascript to their browser.  The "smarts" of the admin UI is in the javascript, which runs in the browser, making requests to Solr's API to gather information.

Anything you add will need to be similar.  You can create custom handlers that become part of Solr's API and get accessed by your javascript.

In the 1.x and 3.x versions, the admin UI was JSP, and really didn't have the ability to DO anything.  It was almost entirely informational.


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