Hello All,

I am trying to understand how exactly query time boosting works in solr.
Primarily, I want to understand if absolute boost values matter or is it
just the relative difference between various boost values which decides
scoring. Let's take following two queries for example.

// case1: q parameter

> concept_name:(*semantic*)^200 OR
> concept_name:(*machine*)^400 OR
> Abstract_note:(*semantic*)^20 OR
> Abstract_note:(*machine*)^40

//case2: q parameter

> concept_name:(*semantic*)^20 OR
> concept_name:(*machine*)^40 OR
> Abstract_note:(*semantic*)^2 OR
> Abstract_note:(*machine*)^4

Are these two queries any different?

Relative boosting is same in both of them.
I can see that they produce same results and ordering. Only difference is
that the score in case1 is 10 times the score in case2.


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