On 8/31/2018 7:18 PM, Scott Prentice wrote:
Yup. That does the trick! Here's my command line ..

    $ ./bin/post -c core01 -format solr /home/xtech/solrtest/test1b.json

I saw that "-format solr" option, but it wasn't clear what it did. It's still not clear to me how that changes the endpoint to allow for updates. But nice to see that it works!

I think the assumption with JSON-style updates and the post tool is that you are sending "generic" json documents, not Solr-formatted json commands.  So the post tool sends to the /update/json/docs handler, which can handle those easily.  I believe that telling it that the format is "solr" means that the JSON input is instructions to Solr, not just document content.  It very likely sends it to /update/json or /update when that's the case.

I don't know if you know this, but the bin/post command calls something in Solr that is named SimplePostTool.  It is, as that name suggests, a very simple tool.  Although you CAN use it in production, a large percentage of users find that they outgrow its capabilities and must move to writing their own indexing system.


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