Hi Jim,

Very interesting scenario that we didn't anticipate. I think this is a
limitation of the MoveReplica API which does not move core properties.

But it also raises questions such as whether to always move all core
properties? I personally think core properties are an artifact that was
suitable for non-cloud Solr but does not lend well to cloud environments.
We also have replica properties in Solr and corresponding APIs to
add/update/delete them. See
(however, I think even these are not carried forward by move replica
today). Do you mind opening a Jira to discuss how we can fix the current

Would using the Config API to set user properties work for your use-case?

We can improve autoscaling actions such as ComputePlanAction to add custom
core properties to any add replica or move replica command. That is
probably worth another Jira as well.

On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 11:54 PM James Strassburg <jstrassb...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> We're creating a SolrCloud in AWS and attempting to use autoscaling to add
> replicas during nodeAdded/nodeLost. This was working fine for us until we
> started creating collections specifying core properties (e.g.
> /solr/admin/collections?action=CREATE&property.synonyms_datasource=REDACTED).
> It seems that when the nodeLost/Added trigger fires the properties don't
> manifest in the core create invocation and we get errors like the
> following:
> products_20180904200015_shard1_replica_n39:
> org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:
> Could not load conf for core products_20180904200015_shard1_replica_n39:
> Can't load schema schema.xml: No system property or default value specified
> for synonyms_datasource value:jdbc/${synonyms_datasource}
> The autoscaling API also doesn't appear to have a way to set the properties
> when we create the triggers.
> Are we missing something or is this not supported at this time? I couldn't
> find a relevant JIRA or other documentation or solr-user discussion on
> this.
> thanks,
> JiM

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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