Good morning Solr community.  I'm having a few facet range issues for which I'd 
appreciate some advice when somebody gets a spare couple of minutes.

Solr Cloud (7.3.1)
Single Shard Index, No replicas

Facet Configuration (I'm using the request params API and useParams at runtime)

My problem
With my range facet configuration I'm expecting to see a facet range entry for 
every 'step' (100 in my case) between my facet.range.start and facet.range.end 
settings. Something like the following 0.0,100.0,200.0, ...2000.0 with a sum of 
the number of values that occur between each range step.  This does not appear 
to be the case and in some instances I don't appear to get counts for some 
range steps (800.0 and 1000.0 for example are present in my result set range 
below but I don't get a range value facets for these values?)

Am I completely misunderstanding how range facets are supposed to work or is my 
configuration a little askew?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

The Solr Response




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