On 9/17/2018 3:01 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
The basic questions I'd like to have answered on a regular basis are:

1. Is the JVM up (this can be done with a ping, of course)
2. Is the heap healthy? Any OOMEs?
3. Will a sample query return in a reasonable amount of time?

1 and 3 are quite easily done using e.g. /solr/[c]/ping, but #2 is
trickier. I can do this via JMX, but I'd prefer to avoid spinning-up a
whole JVM just to probe Solr for one or two values.

If your Solr version is at least 5.5.1 and you're NOT on Windows, number 2 can also be verified by a ping request.

With a new enough version on the correct operating system, Solr is started with an option that will kill the process should an OutOfMemoryError occur.  When that happens, it won't be able to answer a ping request.

Here's the issue that fixes a problem with the startup on 5.5.1 or later:



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