On 9/18/2018 2:21 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
AIUI, Solr doesn't support updating a single field in a document. The
document is replaced no matter how hard to try to be surgical about
updating a single field.

Solr does have Atomic Update functionality.  For this to work, the index must be appropriately configured.  Many indexes do not qualify.  Atomic Updates let the user send a request that is basically an update for individual fields rather than the full document.  Solr will read the existing index data and translate that request internally to a full document update.  The user thinks they are just updating a portion of the document, but Solr still indexes the whole thing.

There is also the In-Place Update feature, which is a lot closer to localized surgery, as it involves rewriting a portion of the docValues file for a segment, not indexing a new document. The field definition requirements for this are pretty extreme -- docValues ONLY.  Depending on the size of the segment containing the document, this might be slower than simply indexing the full document again.


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