Hi Tomas

I moved TolerantUpdateProcessorFactoryto the beginning of the chain, reload the collection.
The indexing process still abort.

On 22/9/2018 4:28 AM, Tomás Fernández Löbbe wrote:
Hi Derek,
I suspect you need to move the TolerantUpdateProcessorFactory to the
beginning of the chain

On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 6:17 PM Derek Poh <d...@globalsources.com> wrote:

Does any one have any idea whatcould be the causeof this?

On 19/9/2018 11:40 AM, Derek Poh wrote:
In addition, I tried withmaxErrors=3 and with only 1error document,
the indexing process still gets aborted.

Could it be the way I defined the TolerantUpdateProcessorFactory in

On 18/9/2018 3:13 PM, Derek Poh wrote:

I am using CSV formatted indexupdates to index on tab delimited file.

I have define "TolerantUpdateProcessorFactory" with "maxErrors=-1" in
the solrconfig.xml to skip any document update error and proceed to
update the remaining documents without failing.
Howeverit does not seemto be workingas there is an document in the
tab delimited file withadditional number of fields and this caused
the indexing to abort instead.

This is how I start the indexing,
curl -o /apps/search/logs/indexing.log

--data-binary "@/apps/search/feed/$csvFilePath/$csvFileName" -H

This is how the TolerantUpdateProcessorFactory is defined in the
<updateRequestProcessorChain name="exhibitor-product-chain">
   <processor class="solr.CloneFieldUpdateProcessorFactory">
     <str name="source">P_SupplierId</str>
     <str name="source">P_TradeShowId</str>
     <str name="source">P_ProductId</str>
     <str name="dest">id</str>
   <processor class="solr.ConcatFieldUpdateProcessorFactory">
     <str name="fieldName">id</str>
     <str name="delimiter"></str>
   <processor class="solr.TolerantUpdateProcessorFactory">
      <int name="maxErrors">-1</int>
   <processor class="solr.processor.DocExpirationUpdateProcessorFactory">
     <null name="ttlFieldName"/>
     <null name="ttlParamName"/>
     <int name="autoDeletePeriodSeconds">43200</int>
     <str name="expirationFieldName">P_TradeShowOnlineEndDateUTC</str>
   <processor class="solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory" />
   <processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />

Solr version is 6.6.2.


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