On 10/2/2018 3:33 AM, lala wrote:
I know tha Solr logs the dih operations (& most of other operations) in
server\logs\solr.log file. What I want is to configure the dih requests to
be logged in another path, with another name if it's possible.

DIH doesn't make its own logfile.  Just like the rest of Solr, it uses the slf4j logging framework, which the stock Solr package binds to log4j (log4j2 as of version 7.4.0, log4j 1.2.x before that) ... there is a log4j configuration file included with Solr that controls logging.

With a change to the log4j configuration file, you can direct all logs created by the DIH classes to a separate file, no code changes needed.

The actual requests to the dataimport handler (usually /dataimport) are logged by the SolrCore class, not the DIH classes, so that part is nearly impossible to separate from requests to other handlers.  The SQL requests that the SQL entity makes are not logged by default, but if you change the level of the SQL entity class to DEBUG instead of INFO, they do get logged.


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