The problem you're at now is that, having run optimize, that single
massive segment will accumulate deletes until it has < 2.5G "live"
documents. So once you do optimize (and until you get to Solr 7.5),
unless you can live with this one segment accumulating deletes for a
very long time, you must continue to optimize.

Or you could re-index from scratch if possible and never optimize.

On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 7:28 AM Walter Underwood <> wrote:
> Don’t optimize. The first article isn’t as clear as it should be. The 
> important sentence is "Unless you are running into resource problems, it’s 
> best to leave merging alone.”
> I’ve been running Solr in production since version 1.3, with several 
> different kinds and sizes of collections. I’ve never run a daily optimize, 
> even on collections that only change once per day.
> The section titles "What? I can’t afford 50% “wasted” space” should have just 
> been “Then don’t run Solr”. Really, you should have 100% free sapce, so a 22 
> Gb index would be on a volume with 22 Gb of free space.
> It was a mistake to name it “optimize”. It should have been “force merge”.
> wunder
> Walter Underwood
>  (my blog)
> > On Oct 2, 2018, at 6:04 AM, Jeff Courtade <> wrote:
> >
> > We run an old master/slave solr 4.3.0 solr cluster
> >
> > 14 nodes 7/7
> > indexes average 47/5 gig per shard around 2 mill docs per shard.
> >
> > We have constant daily additions and a small amount of deletes.
> >
> > We optimize nightly currently and it is a system hog.
> >
> > Is it feasible to never run optimize?
> >
> > I ask because it seems like it would be very bad not to but this
> > information is out there apparently recommending exactly that... never
> > optimizing.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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