On 10/3/2018 9:42 AM, Jack Schlederer wrote:
I've successfully upgraded the Lucene 5 index to Lucene 6, and then to Lucene 7,

Upgrading through two major versions is not guaranteed to work.  Upgrading from an index fully built by major version X-1 is supported, but if X-2 or earlier has EVER touched the index, it's probably not going to work.  If you find that it does work, great ... but I wouldn't recommend trying it.

I recommend always building indexes from scratch when upgrading, even if the new version is capable of reading the index created by the old version.

so I think I have an index that can be restored to Solr 7. Do you know if
it's possible to restore an index like this to a SolrCloud environment if I
can get it into a directory that is shared by all the nodes?

Each node needs its own copy of the data, they cannot share an index directory.  Lucene works really hard to prevent sharing indexes, and this behavior should not be overridden.

In general, yes, you can migrate an index (assuming it's an index that will work, note what I said above) from a non-cloud install to a cloud install.  That would be greatly complicated if the index were sharded already in the non-cloud install -- hopefully your 20GB index is one core, not multiple shards.If it's sharded ... build it from scratch, because it's not likely that the SolrCloud collection will route data to shards in precisely the same way as a non-cloud install.

Here's one way to do this:

* Set up your cloud, create an empty collection with one shard and as many replicas as you want.
* Shut down all of the Solr nodes related to that collection.
* Delete the "data" directory under all of the cores related to that collection. * Copy the data directory from the non-cloud install to one of those replica cores.
* Start the Solr node where you copied the data.
* Let the system fully stabilize so the replica you have just built shows up as green in the Cloud graph. * Start the other Solr nodes with the other replicas.  They will copy the index from the one that got started first.


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