Just a follow-up to say that I never have resolved this issue

Dr. Amanda Shuman
Post-doc researcher, University of Freiburg, The Maoist Legacy Project
PhD, University of California, Santa Cruz
Office: +49 (0) 761 203 4925

On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 6:00 PM Amanda Shuman <amanda.shu...@gmail.com>

> Hi Shawn et al,
> As a follow-up to this - then how would you solve the issue? I tried to
> use the instructions to set up basic authentication in solr (per a Stack
> Overflow post) and it worked to secure things, but the web app couldn't
> access solr. Tampering with the app code - which is the solr plug-in used
> for Omeka (https://github.com/scholarslab/SolrSearch) - would require a
> lot of extra work, so I'm wondering if there's a simpler solution. One of
> the developers on that told me to do a reverse proxy like the second poster
> on this chain more or less suggests. But from what I understand of what you
> wrote, this is not ideal because it only protects the admin UI panel and
> not everything else. So how then should I secure everything with the
> exception of calls coming from this web app?
> Best,
> Amanda
> ------
> Dr. Amanda Shuman
> Post-doc researcher, University of Freiburg, The Maoist Legacy Project
> <http://www.maoistlegacy.uni-freiburg.de/>
> PhD, University of California, Santa Cruz
> http://www.amandashuman.net/
> http://www.prchistoryresources.org/
> Office: +49 (0) 761 203 4925
> On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 11:03 PM, Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org>
> wrote:
>> On 3/19/2018 11:19 AM, Jesus Olivan wrote:
>> > i'm trying to password protect only Solr web interface (not queries
>> > launched from my app). I'm currently using SolrCloud 6.6.0 with external
>> > zookeepers. I've read tons of Docs about it, but i couldn't find a
>> proper
>> > way to secure ONLY the web admin console. Can anybody give me some light
>> > about it, please? =)
>> When you add authentication, it's not actually the admin UI that needs
>> authentication.  It's all the API requests (queries and the like) that
>> the admin UI makes which require authentication.
>> The admin UI itself is completely static HTML, CSS, Javascript, and
>> images -- it doesn't have ANY information about your installation.
>> Requiring authentication for that doesn't make any sense at all --
>> there's nothing sensitive in those files.
>> When you access the admin UI, the UI pieces are downloaded to your
>> browser, and then the UI actually runs in your browser, accessing the
>> API endpoints.  When the UI running in your browser first accesses one
>> of those endpoints, you get the authentication prompt.
>> If we only secured the admin UI and not the API, then somebody who has
>> direct access to your Solr server could do whatever they wanted.  The
>> admin UI is just a convenience.  Everything it does can be done directly.
>> Thanks,
>> Shawn

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