Thanks Shawn for the update.
I am going ahead with the standard aliases approach , suits my use case.

Rohan Kasat

On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 4:49 PM Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 10/22/2018 1:26 PM, Chris Ulicny wrote:
> > There weren't any particular problems we ran into since the client that
> > makes the queries to multiple collections previously would query multiple
> > cores using the 'shards' parameter before we moved to solrcloud. We
> didn't
> > have any complicated sorting or scoring requirements fortunately.
> >
> > The one thing I remember looking into was what solr would do when two
> > documents with the same id were found in both collections. I believe it
> > just non-deterministically picked one, probably the one that came in
> first
> > or last.
> Yes, that is how it works.  I do not know whether it is the first one to
> respond or the last one to respond that ends up in the results.  Solr is
> designed to work with data where the uniqueKey field really is unique
> across everything that is being queried.  Results can vary when you have
> the same uniqueKey value in more than one place and you query both of
> them at once.
> > Depending on how many collections you need to query simultaneously, it's
> > worth looking into using aliases for lists of collections as Alex
> > mentioned.
> >
> > Unfortunately, in our use case, it wasn't worth the headache of managing
> > aliases for every possible combination of collections that needed to be
> > queried, but we would have preferred to use aliases.
> Aliases are the cleanest option.  This syntax also works, sorta blew my
> mind when somebody told me about it:
> http://host:port/solr/current,archive2,archive4/select?q=*:*
> If you're using a Solr client library, it might not be possible to
> control the URL like that, but if you're building URLs yourself, you
> could use it.
> I recently filed an issue related to alias handling, some unexpected
> behavior:
> Thanks,
> Shawn


*Regards,Rohan Kasat*

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