On 23/10/2018 02:57, Daniel Carrasco wrote:

I've a Solr Cluster that is created with 7 machines on AWS instances. The
Solr version is 7.2.1 (b2b6438b37073bee1fca40374e85bf91aa457c0b) and all
nodes are running on NTR mode and I've a replica by node (7 replicas). One
node is used to import, and the rest are just for serve data.

My problem is that I'm having problems from about two weeks with a MsSQL
import on my Solr Cluster: when the process becomes slow or takes too long,
the entire cluster goes down.

How exactly are you importing from MsSQL to Solr? Are you using the Data Import Handler (DIH) and if so, how? What evidence do you have that this is slow or takes too long?


I'm confused, because the main reason to have a cluster is HA, and every
time the import node "fails" (is not really failing, just taking more time
to finish), the entire cluster fails and I've to stop the webpage until
nodes are green again.

I don't know if maybe I've to change something in configuration to allow
the cluster to keep working even when the import freezes or the import node
dies, but is very annoying to wake up at 3AM to fix the cluster.

Is there any way to avoid this?, maybe keeping the import node as NTR and
convert the rest to TLOG?

I'm a bit noob in Solr, so I don't know if I've to sent something to help
to find the problem, and the cluster was created just creating a Zookeeper
cluster, connecting the Solr nodes to that Zk cluster, importing the
collections and adding réplicas manually to every collection.
Also I've upgraded that cluster from Solr 6 to Solr 7.1 and later to Solr

Thanks and greetings!

Charlie Hull
Flax - Open Source Enterprise Search

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