bq. I've noticed that some replicas stop receiving updates from the
leader without any visible signs from the cluster status.

Hmm, yes, this isn't expected at all. What are you seeing that causes
you to say this? You'd have to be monitoring the log for update
messages to the replicas that aren't leaders or the like. If anyone is
going to have a prayer of reproducing we'll need more info on exactly
what you're seeing and how you're measuring this.

Have you changed any configurations in your replicas at all? We'd need
the exact steps you performed if so.

On a quick test I didn't see this, but if it were that easy to
reproduce I'd expect it to have shown up before.

NOTE: just looking at the cloud graph and having a node be active is
not _necessarily_ sufficient for the node to be up to date. It
_should_ be sufficient if (and only if) the node was shut down
gracefully, but a "kill -9" or similar doesn't give the replicas on
the node the opportunity to change the state. The "live_nodes" znode
in ZooKeeper must also contain the node the replica resides on.

If you see this state again, you could try pinging the node directly,
does it respond? Your URL should look something like:

The "distrib=false" is important as it won't forward the query to any
other replica. If what you're reporting is really happening, that node
should respond with a document count different from other nodes.

NOTE: there's a delay between the time the leader indexes a doc and
it's visible on the follower. Are you sure you're waiting for
leader_commit_interval+polling_interval+autowarm_time before
concluding that there's a problem? I'm a bit suspicious that checking
the versions is concluding that your indexes are out of sync when
really they're just catching up normally. If it's at all possible to
turn off indexing for a few minutes when this happens and everything
just gets better then it's not really a problem.

If we prove out that this is really happening as you think, then a
JIRA (with steps to reproduce) is _definitely_ in order.

On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 2:07 AM Vadim Ivanov
<> wrote:
> Hi All !
> I'm testing Solr 7.5 with TLOG replicas on SolrCloud with 5 nodes.
> My collection has shards and every shard has 3 TLOG replicas on different
> nodes.
> I've noticed that some replicas stop receiving updates from the leader
> without any visible signs from the cluster status.
> (all replicas active and green in Admin UI CLOUD graph). But indexversion of
> 'ill' replica not increasing with the leader.
> It seems to be dangerous, because that 'ill' replica could become a leader
> after restart of the nodes and I already experienced data loss.
> I didn't notice any meaningfull records in solr log, except that probably
> problem occurs when leader changes.
> Meanwhile, I monitor indexversion of all replicas in a cluster by mbeans and
> recreate ill replicas when difference with the leader indexversion  more
> than one
> Any suggestions?
> --
> Best regards, Vadim

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