Do not run optimize (force merge) unless you really understand the downside.

If you are continually adding and deleting documents, you really do not want
to run optimize.

Walter Underwood  (my blog)

> On Oct 28, 2018, at 9:24 AM, Parag Shah <> wrote:
> Hi Mugeesh,
>    Have you tried optimizing indexes to see if performance improves? It is
> well known that over time as indexing goes on lucene creates more segments
> which will be  searched over and hence take longer. Merging happens
> constantly but continuous indexing will still introduce smaller segments
> all the time. Have your tried running "optimize" periodically. Is it
> something that you can afford to run? If you have a Master-Slave setup for
> Indexer v/s searchers, you can replicate on optimize in the Master, thereby
> removing the optimize load on the searchers, but replicate to the searcher
> periodically. That might help with reducing latency. Optimize merges
> segments and hence creates a more compact index that is faster to search.
> It may involve some higher latency temporarily right after the replication,
> but will go away soon after in-memory caches are full.
>    What is the search count/sec you are seeing?
> Regards
> Parag
> On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 2:02 AM Mugeesh Husain <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are running 3 node solr cloud(4.4) in our production infrastructure, We
>> recently moved our SOLR server host softlayer to digital ocean server with
>> same configuration as production.
>> Now we are facing some slowness in the searcher when we index document,
>> when
>> we stop indexing then searches is fine, while adding document then it
>> become
>> slow. one of solr server we are indexing other 2 for searching the request.
>> I am just wondering what was the reason searches become slow while indexing
>> even we are using same configuration as we had in prod?
>> at the time we are pushing 500 document at a time, this processing is
>> continuously running(adding & deleting)
>> these are the indexing logs
>> 65497339 [http-apr-8980-exec-45] INFO
>> org.apache.solr.update.processor.LogUpdateProcessor  – [rn0] webapp=/solr
>> path=/update
>> params={distrib.from=
>> http://solrhost:8980/solr/rn0/&update.distrib=FROMLEADER&wt=javabin&version=2&update.chain=dedupe
>> }
>> {add=[E4751FCCE977BAC7 (1612655281518411776), 8E712AD1BE76AB63
>> (1612655281527848960), 789AA5D0FB149A37 (1612655281538334720),
>> B4F3AA526506F6B7 (1612655281553014784), A9F29F556F6CD1C8
>> (1612655281566646272), 8D15813305BF7417 (1612655281584472064),
>> DD13CFA12973E85B (1612655281596006400), 3C93BDBA5DFDE3B3
>> (1612655281613832192), 96981A0785BFC9BF (1612655281625366528),
>> D1E52788A466E484 (1612655281636900864)]} 0 9
>> 65497459 [http-apr-8980-exec-22] INFO
>> org.apache.solr.update.processor.LogUpdateProcessor  – [rn0] webapp=/solr
>> path=/update
>> params={distrib.from=
>> http://solrhost:8980/solr/rn0/&update.distrib=FROMLEADER&wt=javabin&version=2&update.chain=dedupe
>> }
>> {add=[D8AA2E196967D241 (1612655281649483776), E73420772E3235B7
>> (1612655281666260992), DFDCF1F8325A3EF6 (1612655281680941056),
>> 1B10EF90E7C3695F (1612655281689329664), 51CBD7F59644A718
>> (1612655281699815424), 1D31EF403AF13E04 (1612655281714495488),
>> 68E1DC3A614B7269 (1612655281723932672), F9BF6A3CF89D74FB
>> (1612655281737564160), 419E017E1F360EB6 (1612655281749098496),
>> 50EF977E5E873065 (1612655281759584256)]} 0 9
>> 65497572 [http-apr-8980-exec-40] INFO
>> org.apache.solr.update.processor.LogUpdateProcessor  – [rn0] webapp=/solr
>> path=/update
>> params={distrib.from=
>> http://solrhost:8980/solr/rn0/&update.distrib=FROMLEADER&wt=javabin&version=2&update.chain=dedupe
>> }
>> {add=[B63AD0671A5E57B9 (1612655281772167168), 00B8A4CCFABFA1AC
>> (1612655281784750080), 9C89A1516C9166E6 (1612655281798381568),
>> 9322E17ECEAADE66 (1612655281803624448), C6DDB4BF8E94DE6B
>> (1612655281814110208), DAA49178A5E74285 (1612655281830887424),
>> 829C2AE38A3E78E4 (1612655281845567488), 4C7B19756D8E4208
>> (1612655281859198976), BE0F7354DC30164C (1612655281869684736),
>> 59C4A764BB50B13B (1612655281880170496)]} 0 9
>> 65497724 [http-apr-8980-exec-31] INFO
>> org.apache.solr.update.processor.LogUpdateProcessor  – [rn0] webapp=/solr
>> path=/update
>> params={distrib.from=
>> http://solrhost:8980/solr/rn0/&update.distrib=FROMLEADER&wt=javabin&version=2&update.chain=dedupe
>> }
>> {add=[1F694F99367D7CE1 (1612655281895899136), 2AEAAF67A6893ABE
>> (1612655281911627776), 81E72DC36C7A9EBC (1612655281926307840),
>> AA71BD9B23548E6D (1612655281939939328), 359E8C4C6EC72AFA
>> (1612655281954619392), 7FEB6C65A3E23311 (1612655281972445184),
>> 9B5ED0BE7AFDD1D0 (1612655281991319552), 99FE8958F6ED8B91
>> (1612655282009145344), 2BDC61DC4038E19F (1612655282023825408),
>> 5131AEC4B87FBFE9 (1612655282037456896)]} 0 10
>> --
>> Sent from:

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