Thanks Erick, this is 7.5.0.
From: Erick Erickson <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 8:20:18 PM
To: solr-user
Subject: Re: SolrCloud Replication Failure

What version of solr? This code was pretty much rewriten in 7.3 IIRC

On Wed, Oct 31, 2018, 10:47 Jeremy Smith < wrote:

> Hi all,
>      We are currently running a moderately large instance of standalone
> solr and are preparing to switch to solr cloud to help us scale up.  I have
> been running a number of tests using docker locally and ran into an issue
> where replication is consistently failing.  I have pared down the test case
> as minimally as I could.  Here's a link for the docker-compose.yml (I put
> it in a directory called solrcloud_simple) and a script to run the test:
> Here's the basic idea behind the test:
> 1) Create a cluster with 2 nodes (solr-1 and solr-2), 1 shard, and 2
> replicas (each node gets a replica).  Just use the default schema, although
> I've also tried our schema and got the same result.
> 2) Shut down solr-2
> 3) Add 100 simple docs, just id and a field called num.
> 4) Start solr-2 and check that it received the documents.  It did!
> 5) Update a document, commit, and check that solr-2 received the update.
> It did!
> 6) Stop solr-2, update the same document, start solr-2, and make sure that
> it received the update.  It did!
> 7) Repeat step 6 with a new value.  This time solr-2 reverts back to what
> it had in step 5.
> I believe the main issue comes from this in the logs:
> solr-2_1  | 2018-10-31 17:04:26.135 INFO
> (recoveryExecutor-4-thread-1-processing-n:solr-2:8082_solr
> x:test_shard1_replica_n2 c:test s:shard1 r:core_node4) [c:test s:shard1
> r:core_node4 x:test_shard1_replica_n2] o.a.s.u.PeerSync PeerSync:
> core=test_shard1_replica_n2 url=http://solr-2:8082/solr  Our versions are
> newer. ourHighThreshold=1615861330901729280
> otherLowThreshold=1615861314086764545 ourHighest=1615861330901729280
> otherHighest=1615861335081353216
> PeerSync thinks the versions on solr-2 are newer for some reason, so it
> doesn't try to sync from solr-1.  In the final state, solr-2 will always
> have a lower version for the updated doc than solr-1.  I've tried this with
> different commit strategies, both auto and manual, and it doesn't seem to
> make any difference.
> Is this a bug with solr, an issue with using docker, or am I just
> expecting too much from solr?
> Thanks for any insights you may have,
> Jeremy

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