It is not that I want it.
I just can't reproduce it even though I read it as an expected behaviour.

So I wondered if something has been changed since the warning was written,
or if I had misunderstood something.

ons. d. 14. nov. 2018 17.09 skrev Erick Erickson <>:

> I'm a little confused on what you're trying. Say your source field is
> Y and your destination field X. Are you saying that you want your
> destination field X to contain both the old value of field Y and the
> new value of field Y when you atomically update that field Y?
> Hmmmm, I'm actually not sure what happens in that case. The original
> admonition was specifically because the above is usually undesirable
> behavior. Imagine you have a source field name and destination field
> name_d. The first time you add the doc it will have "erick" in both.
> Now I atomically update field "something_else". Your doc will still
> have "erick" in name, but (probably) "erick", "erick" in name_d.
> What I'd probably do to deal with selectively preserving some
> destinations of copyFields is use an updateprocessor, perhaps
> ScriptUpdateProcessor to do the right thing an a per-field basis.
> Best,
> Erick
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 7:56 AM Jon Kjær Amundsen <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Reading up on atomic updates, the Solr reference guide states the
> following:
> >
> > The core functionality of atomically updating a document requires that
> all
> > fields in your schema must be configured as stored (stored="true") or
> > docValues (docValues="true") except for fields which are <copyField/>
> > destinations, which must be configured as stored="false"
> >
> > Reading the next section it seems the reasons for this is that any
> > destination fields will be indexed with both the old and the new value.
> >
> > However, i've tried the atomic update functionality updating both fields
> > unrelated to the destination fields and fields copying to the fields and
> I
> > can't see any problems in the stored content of the destination field,
> and
> > I can't query a document based on old content in a destination field if
> it
> > has been overwritten.
> >
> > My question is: How should I understand the warning, and can it be save
> to
> > use atomic updates even though you have stored destination fields?
> >
> > I am on Solr 7.1
> >
> > Venlig hilsen/Best regards
> >
> > *Jon Kjær Amundsen*
> > Information Architect & Product Owner
> > *UdbudsVagten A/S*

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