1) depending on the number of CPUs / load on your solr server, it's 
possible you're just getting lucky. it's hard to "prove" with a 
multithreaded test that concurrency bugs exist.

2) a lot depends on what your updates look like (ie: the impl of 
SolrDocWriter.atomicWrite()), and what the field definitions look like.  

If you are in fact doing "atomic updates" (ie: sending a "set" command on 
the field) instead of sending the whole document *AND* if the fields f1 & 
f2 are fields that only use docValues (ie: not stored or indexed) then 
under the covers you're getting an "in-place" update in which (IIRC) it's 
totally safe for the 2 updates to happen concurrently to *DIFFERENT* 
fields of the same document.

Where you are almost certainly going to get into trouble, even if you are 
leveraging "in-place" updates under the hood, is if 2 diff threads try to 
update the *SAME* field -- even if the individual threads don't try to 
assert that the final count matches their expected count, you will likely 
wind up missing some updates (ie: the final value may not be equal the sum 
of the total incremements from both threads)

Other problems will exist in cases where in-place updates can't be used 
(ie: if you also updated a String field when incrememebting your numeric 

The key thing to remember is that there is almost no overhead in using 
optimistic concurrency -- *UNLESS* you encounter a collision/failure.  If 
you are planning on having concurrent indexing clients reading docs from 
solr, modifying them, and writing back to solr -- and there is a change 
multiple client threads will touch the same document, then the slight 
addition of optimistic concurrency params to the updates & retrying on 
failure is a trivial addition to the client code, and shouldn't have a 
noticable impact on performance.

: Before implementing optimistic concurrency solution, I had written one test
: case to check if two threads atomically writing two different fields (say
: f1 and f2) of the same document (say d) run into conflict or not.
: Thread t1 atomically writes counter c1 to field f1 of document d, commits
: and then reads the value of f1 and makes sure that it is equal to c1. It
: then increments c1 by 1 and resumes until c1 reaches to say 1000.
: Thread t2 does the same, but with counter c2 and field f2 but with same
: document d.
: What I observed is the assertion of f1 = c1 or f2 = c2 in each loop never
: fails.
: I increased the max counter value to even 100000 instead of mere 1000 and
: still no conflict
: I was under the impression that there would often be conflict and that is
: why I will require optimistic concurrency solution. How is this possible?
: Any idea?
: Here is the test case code:
: https://pastebin.com/KCLPYqeg


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