You are using a function query as stats.field and as seen here: the syntax
for termfreq is termfreq(field_name, value). You're using
termfreq('num_not_useful','num_useful'). It looks like num_useful is a
numeric (int, float) type in your schema and you are passing a string
('num_useful'). If that is the case then you need to pass a numeric value
(e.g., termfreq(num_not_useful, 99)). Does it make sense?


On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 6:59 AM Anil <> wrote:

> HI ,
> I am using stats component to determine stats on two columns together.
> stats query is failing with following exception -
> *Invalid Number: num_useful  *
> *Query response : *
> {
>   "responseHeader": {
>     "zkConnected": true,
>     "status": 400,
>     "QTime": 19,
>     "params": {
>      * "q": "cid:HT201222",*
>       "indent": [
>         "true",
>         "true"
>       ],
>       "stats": "true",
>       "rows": [
>         "0",
>         "0"
>       ],
>       "wt": "json",
>       "stats.field": "*{!func}termfreq('num_not_useful','num_useful')*"
>     }
>   },
>   "error": {
>     "metadata": [
>       "error-class",
>       "org.apache.solr.common.SolrException",
>       "root-error-class",
>       "org.apache.solr.common.SolrException"
>     ],
>     "msg": "Invalid Number: num_useful",
>     "code": 400
>   }
> }
> Could you please help me in resolving the issue? Thanks.
> Regards,
> Anil

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