On 11/21/2018 8:59 AM, Marc Schöchlin wrote:
Is it possible to modify the log4j appender to also log other query attributes 
like response/request size in bytes and number of resulted documents?

Changing the log4j config might not do anything useful at all.  In order for such a change to be useful, the application must have code that logs the information you're after.

If you change the default logging level in your log4j config to DEBUG instead of INFO, you'll get a LOT more information in your logs.  The information you're after *MIGHT* be logged, but it might not -- I really have no idea without checking the source code about precisely what information Solr is logging.

The number of documents that match each query *IS* mentioned in solr.log, and you won't even have to change anything to get it.  You'll see "hits=nnnnnn" when a query is logged.

I think about snooping on the ethernet interface of a client or on the server to gather 
libpcap data. Is there a chance to analyze captured data i format is i.e 

The javabin format is binary.  You would need something that understands it.  If you added solr jars to a custom program, you could probably feed the data to it and make sense of it.  That would require some research into how Solr works at a low level, to learn how to take information gathered from a packet capture and decode it into an actual response.


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