Hi Wei,

here's a fairly simple field type we currently use in a project that seems to 
do the job with graph synonyms. Maybe this helps as a starting point for you:

        <fieldType name="text_de" class="solr.TextField" 
                <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory" />
                <filter class="solr.ManagedSynonymGraphFilterFactory" 
managed="de" />
                <filter class="solr.ManagedStopFilterFactory" managed="de" />
                <filter class="solr.WordDelimiterGraphFilterFactory"  
                        generateWordParts="1" generateNumberParts="1" 
                        catenateNumbers="1" catenateAll="0" 
splitOnCaseChange="1" />
                <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" />
                <filter class="solr.ASCIIFoldingFilterFactory" />
                <filter class="solr.GermanStemFilterFactory" />
                <filter class="solr.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory"/>

As you can see we use the same filters for both indexing and query, so this 
might have some impact on positional queries but so far it seems negligible for 
the short synonyms we use in practice. Also there is no need for the 

The WhitespaceTokenizerFactory ensures that you can define synonyms with 
hyphens like mac-book -> macbook.

Best regards, Thomas.

On 05.01.19, 02:11, "Wei" <weiwan...@gmail.com> wrote:

    We are upgrading to Solr 7.6.0 and noticed that SynonymFilter and
    WordDelimiterFilter have been deprecated. Solr doc recommends to use
    SynonymGraphFilter and WordDelimiterGraphFilter instead 
    I guess the StopFilter mess up the SynonymGraphFilter output? Not sure
    if  it's a solr defect or there is a guideline that StopFilter should
    not be put after graph filters.
    Thanks in advance for you input.

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