
I am trying to bootstrap a SolrCloud installation and I ran into an issue
that seems rather odd. I see it is possible to bootstrap a configuration
set from an existing SOLR_HOME using

./server/scripts/cloud-scripts/zkcli.sh -zkhost ${ZK_HOST} -cmd bootstrap
-solrhome ${SOLR_HOME}

but this does not create a collection, it just uploads a configuration set.

Furthermore, I can not use

bin/solr create

to create a collection and link it to my bootstrapped configuration set
because it requires Solr to already be running.

I'm hoping someone can shed some light on why this is the case? It seems
like a collection is just some znodes stored in zookeeper that contain
configuration settings and such. Why should I not be able to create those
nodes before Solr is running?

I'd like to open a feature request for this if one does not already exist
and if I am not missing something obvious.

Thank you,

Frank Greguska

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