Thanks Erick, very helpful as always ...we're up and going now. Before the 
install I spun up a stand alone instance to check comparability and the process 
did not shut down cleanly from the looks of things. I'm guessing solr was a 
little confused on which instance of zookeeper to use. (The bundled version or 
our production instance). Thanks again for your assistance it's very much 

From: Erick Erickson <>
Sent: Thursday, 24 January 2019 1:23:15 PM
To: solr-user
Subject: Re: Solr admin UI new features

Hmmmm, is there any chance you somehow have your Solr instances
pulling some things, particularly browser-related from your old
install? Or from some intermediate cache between your browser and the
Solr instances? Or perhaps "something got copied somewhere" and is
being picked up from the old install? I'm really grasping at straws
here admittedly....

Here's what I'd do. Install a fresh Solr 7.6 somewhere, your laptop
would be fine, some node in your system that doesn't have anything on
it you can use temporarily, I don't really care as long as you can
guarantee your new install is the only Solr install being referenced
and you can point it at your production ZooKeeper ensemble. Do you
still have the same problem? If not, I'd guess that your production
system has somehow mixed-and-matched...


On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 4:36 PM Dwane Hall <> wrote:
> Hi user community,
> I recently upgraded a single node solr cloud environment from 7.3.1 to 7.6. 
> While traversing through the release notes for solr 7.5 to identify any 
> important changes to consider for the upgrade I noticed two excellent 
> additions to the Admin UI that took effect in solr 7.5 (SOLR-8207 – Add Nodes 
> view to Admin UI “Cloud” tab and SOLR-7767 ZK Status under “Cloud” tab).    
> After completing my upgrade all collections are online and functioning as 
> expected and solr is working without issue however these two new menu items 
> do not appear to work (the urls are hit 
> https://server:port/solr/#/~cloud?view=nodes, 
> https://server:port/solr/#/~cloud?view=zkstatus) but the pages are blank.  
> The original menu items all function without issue (Tree, Graph, Graph 
> (Radial)).
> I’ve cleared my browser cache and checked the logs which are all clean (with 
> the log level set to DEBUG on org.apache.jetty.server.*).  Are there any 
> additional configuration changes I’m overlooking that I need to take 
> advantage of these new features?
> Environment
> Chrome 70, and Firefox 45
> Solr 7.6 (Cloud, single node)
> Https, basic auth plugin enabled
> Zookeeper 3.4.6
> As always any advice is appreciated,
> Thanks
> Dwane

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