
After following the install guide and setting up the Solr user as described 
below, Nessus compliance scans are stating that the 'solr' user should have 
/usr/sbin/nologin, but the dev team is saying that setting the nologin will 
render the account unusable. Does the solr account need an interactive login?
This was the guidance followed for the solr user:
Create the Solr User

Running Solr as root is not recommended for security reasons, and the control 
 start command will refuse to do so. Consequently, you should determine the 
username of a system user that will own all of the Solr files and the running 
Solr process. By default, the installation script will create the solr user, 
but you can override this setting using the -u option. If your organization has 
specific requirements for creating new user accounts, then you should create 
the user before running the script. The installation script will make the Solr 
user the owner of the /opt/solr and /var/solr directories.

You are now ready to run the installation script.

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