We just went through this process.  We simply copied the 1.2 index to the
new server (while the 1.2 server was live---responding to requests and
handling updates) and started it up with 1.3.  It worked.  I can't promise
that you'll have the same experience, but it's worth a try.  Also, if I were
you, I'd assume that some of the documents will be lost, so I'd reindex any
recently added documents.


On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 12:58 PM, Michael Tedesco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hey,
> I just want to copy over my indexes from my production server running 1.2
> to another test server running 1.3.  Since my Index are live I can't just
> stop the it.  I also have 5 GB of indexes so I do not know how long I will
> need to take it down.   All option I read backup the index directory using
> hard links.  I need to copy the data.   What is the best way?  I have been
> using google and solr wiki but haven't found a way to do this.
> Mike Tedesco

Jason Rennie
Head of Machine Learning Technologies, StyleFeeder
Samantha's blog & pictures: http://samanthalyrarennie.blogspot.com/

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