On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 6:32 AM, Ben Shlomo, Yatir
> The problem is solved, see below.
> Since the performance is so sensitive to configuration - do you have a
> tip on how to determine the optimal configuration for
> mergeFactor, ramBufferSizeMB and other properties ?

The issue might have been your high merge factor coupled with changes
in how Lucene closes an index.  To prevent possible corruption on a
crash, Lucene now does an fsync on the index files before it writes
the new segment descriptor that references those files.  A high merge
factor means more segments, hence more segment files to sync on a


> My original problem occurred even on a fresh rebuild of the index with
> solr 1.3
> To solve it I used the entire IndexWriter section settings from the solr
> 1.3 example file
> This had a dramatic impact:
> I indexed 20 GB of data (52M docs)
> The total indexing time was 13 hours
> The index size was 30 GB
> The total commit time was less than 2 minutes
> Tomcat Log for reference
> Oct 5, 2008 9:43:24 PM org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2
> commit
> INFO: start commit(optimize=false,waitFlush=false,waitSearcher=true)
> Oct 5, 2008 9:43:43 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher <init>
> INFO: Opening [EMAIL PROTECTED] main
> Oct 5, 2008 9:43:43 PM org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2
> commit
> INFO: end_commit_flush
> Oct 5, 2008 9:43:43 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher warm
> INFO: autowarming [EMAIL PROTECTED] main from [EMAIL PROTECTED] main
> filterCache{lookups=0,hits=0,hitratio=0.00,inserts=0,evictions=0,size=0,
> warmupTime=0,cumulative_lookups=0,cumulative_hits=0,cumulative_hitratio=
> 0.00,cumulative_inserts=0,cumulative_evictions=0}
> Oct 5, 2008 9:43:43 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher warm
> INFO: autowarming result for [EMAIL PROTECTED] main
> filterCache{lookups=0,hits=0,hitratio=0.00,inserts=0,evictions=0,size=0,
> warmupTime=0,cumulative_lookups=0,cumulative_hits=0,cumulative_hitratio=
> 0.00,cumulative_inserts=0,cumulative_evictions=0}
> Oct 5, 2008 9:43:43 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher warm
> INFO: autowarming [EMAIL PROTECTED] main from [EMAIL PROTECTED] main
> queryResultCache{lookups=0,hits=0,hitratio=0.00,inserts=0,evictions=0,si
> ze=0,warmupTime=0,cumulative_lookups=0,cumulative_hits=0,cumulative_hitr
> atio=0.00,cumulative_inserts=0,cumulative_evictions=0}
> Oct 5, 2008 9:43:43 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher warm
> INFO: autowarming result for [EMAIL PROTECTED] main
> queryResultCache{lookups=0,hits=0,hitratio=0.00,inserts=0,evictions=0,si
> ze=0,warmupTime=0,cumulative_lookups=0,cumulative_hits=0,cumulative_hitr
> atio=0.00,cumulative_inserts=0,cumulative_evictions=0}
> Oct 5, 2008 9:43:43 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher warm
> INFO: autowarming [EMAIL PROTECTED] main from [EMAIL PROTECTED] main
> documentCache{lookups=0,hits=0,hitratio=0.00,inserts=0,evictions=0,size=
> 0,warmupTime=0,cumulative_lookups=0,cumulative_hits=0,cumulative_hitrati
> o=0.00,cumulative_inserts=0,cumulative_evictions=0}
> Oct 5, 2008 9:43:43 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher warm
> INFO: autowarming result for [EMAIL PROTECTED] main
> documentCache{lookups=0,hits=0,hitratio=0.00,inserts=0,evictions=0,size=
> 0,warmupTime=0,cumulative_lookups=0,cumulative_hits=0,cumulative_hitrati
> o=0.00,cumulative_inserts=0,cumulative_evictions=0}
> Oct 5, 2008 9:43:43 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore registerSearcher
> INFO: [] Registered new searcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] main
> Oct 5, 2008 9:43:43 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher close
> INFO: Closing [EMAIL PROTECTED] main
> filterCache{lookups=0,hits=0,hitratio=0.00,inserts=0,evictions=0,size=0,
> warmupTime=0,cumulative_lookups=0,cumulative_hits=0,cumulative_hitratio=
> 0.00,cumulative_inserts=0,cumulative_evictions=0}
> queryResultCache{lookups=0,hits=0,hitratio=0.00,inserts=0,evictions=0,si
> ze=0,warmupTime=0,cumulative_lookups=0,cumulative_hits=0,cumulative_hitr
> atio=0.00,cumulative_inserts=0,cumulative_evictions=0}
> documentCache{lookups=0,hits=0,hitratio=0.00,inserts=0,evictions=0,size=
> 0,warmupTime=0,cumulative_lookups=0,cumulative_hits=0,cumulative_hitrati
> o=0.00,cumulative_inserts=0,cumulative_evictions=0}
> Oct 5, 2008 9:43:43 PM
> org.apache.solr.update.processor.LogUpdateProcessor finish
> INFO: {commit=} 0 18406
> Oct 5, 2008 9:43:43 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
> INFO: [] webapp=/dss1 path=/update params={} status=0 QTime=18406
> Oct 5, 2008 9:43:43 PM org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2
> commit
> INFO: start commit(optimize=true,waitFlush=false,waitSearcher=true)
> Oct 5, 2008 9:45:07 PM org.apache.solr.search.SolrIndexSearcher <init>
> INFO: Opening [EMAIL PROTECTED] main
> Oct 5, 2008 9:45:07 PM org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2
> commit
> INFO: end_commit_flush
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Yonik
> Seeley
> Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2008 6:07 PM
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Re: *Very* slow Commit after upgrading to solr 1.3
> Ben, see also
> http://www.nabble.com/Commit-in-solr-1.3-can-take-up-to-5-minutes-td1980
> 2781.html#a19802781
> What type of physical drive is this and what interface is used (SATA,
> etc)?
> What is the filesystem (NTFS)?
> Did you add to an existing index from an older version of Solr, or
> start from scratch?
> If you add a single document to the index and commit, does it take a
> long time?
> I notice your merge factor is 1000... this will create many files that
> need to be sync'd
> It may help to try the IndexWriter settings from the 1.3 example
> setup... the important changes being:
>    <mergeFactor>10</mergeFactor>
>    <!--<maxBufferedDocs>1000</maxBufferedDocs>-->
>    <ramBufferSizeMB>32</ramBufferSizeMB>
> -Yonik
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 5:33 AM, Ben Shlomo, Yatir
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I am running on widows 64 bit ...
>> I have upgraded to solr 1.3 in order to use the distributed search.
>> I haven't changed the solrConfig and the schema xml files during the
>> upgrade.
>> I am indexing ~ 350K documents (each one is about 0.5 KB in size)
>> The indexing takes a reasonable amount of time (350 seconds)
>> See tomcat log:
>> INFO: {add=[8x-wbTscWftuu1sVWpdnGw==, VOu1eSv0obBl1xkj2jGjIA==,
>> YkOm-nKPrTVVVyeCZM4-4A==, rvaq_TyYsqt3aBc0KKDVbQ==,
>> 9NdzWXsErbF_5btyT1JUjw==, ...(398728 more)]} 0 349875
>> But when I commit it takes more than an hour ! (5000 seconds!, the
>> optimize after the commit took 14 seconds)
>> INFO: start commit(optimize=false,waitFlush=false,waitSearcher=true)
>> p.s. its not a machine problem I moved to another machine and the same
>> thing happened
>> I noticed something very strange during the time I wait for the
> commit:
>> While the solr index is 210MB in size
>> In the windows task manager I noticed that the java process is making
> a
>> HUGE amounts of IO reads:
>> It reads more than 350 GB ! (- which takes a lot of time.)
>> The process is constantly taking 25% of the cpu resources.
>> All my autowarmCount in Solrconfig  file do not exceed 256...
>> Any more ideas to check?
>> Thanks.
>> Here is part of my solrConfig file:
>> - <file:///C:\dss1\SolrHome\conf\solrconfig.xml##>  < -
> <indexDefaults>
>> - <!--  Values here affect all index writers and act as a default
> unless
>> overridden.
>>  -->
>>  <useCompoundFile>false</useCompoundFile>
>>  <mergeFactor>1000</mergeFactor>
>>  <maxBufferedDocs>1000</maxBufferedDocs>
>>  <maxMergeDocs>2147483647</maxMergeDocs>
>>  <maxFieldLength>10000</maxFieldLength>
>>  <writeLockTimeout>1000</writeLockTimeout>
>>  <commitLockTimeout>10000</commitLockTimeout>
>>  </indexDefaults>
>> - <mainIndex>
>> - <!--  options specific to the main on-disk lucene index
>>  -->
>>  <useCompoundFile>false</useCompoundFile>
>>  <mergeFactor>1000</mergeFactor>
>>  <maxBufferedDocs>1000</maxBufferedDocs>
>>  <maxMergeDocs>2147483647</maxMergeDocs>
>>  <maxFieldLength>10000</maxFieldLength>
>> - <!--  If true, unlock any held write or commit locks on startup.
>>         This defeats the locking mechanism that allows multiple
>>         processes to safely access a lucene index, and should be
>>         used with care.
>>  -->
>>  <unlockOnStartup>true</unlockOnStartup>
>>  </mainIndex>
>> Yatir Ben-shlomo | eBay, Inc. | Classification Track, Shopping.com
>> (Israel) | w: +972-9-892-1373 |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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