Good morning guys, I have a questions about Solrj and JSON facets.

I'm using Solr 7.7.1 and I'm sending a request like this:


where "iterationTimestamp" is a solr.DatePointField. The JSON response correctly includes what I'm expecting:

    "facets": {
        "count": 8,
        "x": "1973-09-20T17:33:18.700Z"

but Solrj doesn't. Specifically, the jsonFacetingResponse contains only the domainCount attribute (8). Looking at the code I see that in NestableJsonFacet a stats is taken in account only if the corresponding value is an instance of Number (and x in the example above is a java.util.Date).

Is that expected? Is there a way (other than dealing with nested NamedLists) for retrieving that value?


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