On 3/19/2019 10:39 AM, Vijay Rawlani wrote:
We are using solr 4.8.1 in our project. We are observing following
EofExceptions in solr.
It would be helpful for us to know in what situations we might land up
with this.
Can we get rid of this with any solr configuration or is there any way
forward at all?
Kindly let us know some information about the exception and the scenario
where it can occur.

When Solr throws Jetty's EofException, it almost always means this has occurred:

The client talking to Solr has disconnected its TCP connection before Solr has finished processing the request. When Solr (Jetty) finally finishes and tries to send the response, the client is long gone and the response cannot be sent. So EofException is thrown.

Usually this is because the client has a short timeout and the requests Solr is being asked to process are taking longer than that timeout to complete. If a client is configured with a timeout, it should be quite long ... normally at least a minute, and two to five minutes would be better.

Solr 4.8.1 is nearly four years old. This is ancient in the open source world. There will be no bugfixes for a version that old. I do not think the behavior you are seeing is a bug, but if you do encounter one, you'll need to reproduce it in an 8.x version before we can fix it.


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