One tangent just so you’re aware. You _must_ re-index from scratch. Lucene 8x 
will refuse to open an index that was _ever_ touched by Solr 6.


> On Mar 21, 2019, at 8:26 AM, Lahiru Jayasekera <> 
> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> Thanks for the response. I saw the method of setting credentials based on
> individual request.
> But I need to set the credentials at solrclient level. If you remember the
> way to do it please let me know.
> Thanks
> On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 8:26 PM Jason Gerlowski <>
> wrote:
>> You should be able to set credentials on individual requests with the
>> SolrRequest.setBasicAuthCredentials() method.  That's the method
>> suggested by the latest Solr ref guide at least:
>> There might be a way to set the credentials on the client itself, but
>> I can't think of it at the moment.
>> Hope that helps,
>> Jason
>> On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 2:34 AM Lahiru Jayasekera
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I need help implementing the following code in solarj 8.0.0.
>>> private SolrClient server, adminServer;
>>> this.adminServer = new HttpSolrClient(SolrClientUrl);
>>> this.server = new HttpSolrClient( SolrClientUrl + "/" +
>> mapping.getCoreName() );
>>> if (serverUserAuth) {
>>>  HttpClientUtil.setBasicAuth(
>>>      (DefaultHttpClient) ((HttpSolrClient) adminServer).getHttpClient(),
>>>      serverUsername, serverPassword);
>>>  HttpClientUtil.setBasicAuth(
>>>      (DefaultHttpClient) ((HttpSolrClient) server).getHttpClient(),
>>>      serverUsername, serverPassword);
>>> }
>>> I could get the solarClients as following
>>> this.adminServer = new HttpSolrClient.Builder(SolrClientUrl).build();
>>> this.server = new HttpSolrClient.Builder( SolrClientUrl + "/" +
>>> mapping.getCoreName() ).build();
>>> But i can't find a way to implement basic authentication. I think that it
>>> can be done via SolrHttpClientBuilder.
>>> Can you please help me to solve this?
>>> Thank and regards
>>> Lahiru
>>> --
>>> Lahiru Jayasekara
>>> Batch 15
>>> Faculty of Information Technology
>>> University of Moratuwa
>>> 0716492170
> -- 
> Lahiru Jayasekara
> Batch 15
> Faculty of Information Technology
> University of Moratuwa
> 0716492170

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