On 4/8/2019 10:27 AM, Dave Beckstrom wrote:
SOLR really should ship with a sample text field defined even if commented
out and only for example purposes only.  That would have been
most helpful.  Even a FAQ somewhere would have been helpful.

There are two example configs in the latest version of Solr (8.0.0). Some of the earlier versions include more than two.

In the latest download, check the solr-8.0.0/server/solr/configsets directory. There will be two directories there, each of which contains a conf directory.

In the managed-schema file found in the conf directory, you will find multiple examples of text field types. The managed-schema in the _default configset has the following type names that use the solr.TextField class:

text_ws, text_general, text_en, text_en_splitting, text_splitting_en_tight, text_general_rev, phonetic_en, lowercase, descendent_path, ancestor_path, delimited_payloads_float, delimited_payloads_int, delimited_payloads_string, text_ar, text_bg, text_ca, text_cjk, text_cz, text_da, text_de, text_el, text_es, text_eu, text_fa, text_fi, text_fr, text_ga, text_gl, text_hi, text_hu, text_hy, text_id, text_it, text_ja, text_ko, text_lv, text_nl, text_no, text_pt, text_ro, text_ru, text_sv, text_th, text_tr

There are also field definitions using most of the fieldType definitions in the example config.

Solr's example configs fall into the "kitchen sink" category. They contain things that most users will NEVER need.


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