On 4/17/2019 6:25 AM, vishal patel wrote:
Why did shard1 take a 1.8 minutes time for update? and if it took time for 
update then why did replica1 try to become leader? Is it required to update any 

There's no information here that can tell us why the update took so long. My best guess would be long GC pauses due to the heap size being too small. But there might be other causes.

Indexing a single document should be VERY fast. Even a large document should only take a handful of milliseconds.

If the request included "commit=true" as a parameter, then it might be the commit that was slow, not the indexing. You'll need to check the logs to determine that.

The reason that the leader changed was almost certainly the fact that the update took so long. SolrCloud would have decided that the node was down if any operation took that long.


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