Hi list,

while going to change my JAVA from Oracle to openJDK the big question is
which distribution to take?

Currently we use Oracle JDK Java SE 8 because of LTS.
Next would be JDK Java SE 11 again because of LTS but now we have to
change to openJDK.

Any recommendations about openJDK 11 distributions?
( https://www.baeldung.com/oracle-jdk-vs-openjdk )

Also any pros and cons about the different distributions?

What about the SOLR components (Tika, UIMA, Zookeeper, Jetty, ...)
are they all tested with openJDK 11?
( https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/quality/Quality+Outreach )

Any own experiences or pitfalls?

What about the recommendation in the Solr Ref Guide?
They point to Oracle:
If you don’t have the required version, or if the java command is not
found, download and install the latest version from Oracle at
Shouldn't they better point to openJDK?


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