Hello, I have upgraded one of our boxes to Solr 8.1.0 on RHEL 7.6 with Java 12.0.1. I also had a certificate up for renewal and I went through my regular process of creating the certificate and key. Now I get a ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error. I have gotten this before however, that was due to me adding the certificate into the keystore. Here are the list of cmds I that have run.
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file RootCA.cer -keystore solr-ssl.keystore.jks keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias POL1 -file Pol1CA.cer -keystore solr-ssl.keystore.jks keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias SUB1 -file Sub1CA.cer -keystore solr-ssl.keystore.jks keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias SUB2 -file Sub2CA.cer -keystore solr-ssl.keystore.jks openssl pkcs12 -export -in solr.cer -inkey solrpk.key > solr-ssl.p12 keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore solr-ssl.keystore.jks -destkeystore solr-ssl.keystore.jks -deststoretype pkcs12 solr.in.sh # Enables HTTPS. It is implictly true if you set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE. Use this config # to enable https module with custom jetty configuration. #SOLR_SSL_ENABLED=true # Uncomment to set SSL-related system properties # Be sure to update the paths to the correct keystore for your environment SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE=/opt/solr-8.1.0/solr-ssl.keystore.jks SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=password SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE=/opt/solr-8.1.0/solr-ssl.keystore.jks SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD=password # Require clients to authenticate SOLR_SSL_NEED_CLIENT_AUTH=false # Enable clients to authenticate (but not require) SOLR_SSL_WANT_CLIENT_AUTH=false # SSL Certificates contain host/ip "peer name" information that is validated by default. Setting # this to false can be useful to disable these checks when re-using a certificate on many hosts #SOLR_SSL_CHECK_PEER_NAME=true # Override Key/Trust Store types if necessary SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_TYPE=JKS SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_TYPE=JKS Thank you, Kent Younge Systems Engineer