im aware that the best practice is to have disk space on your solr servers
to be 2 times the size of the index. but my goal to minimize this overhead
and have my index occupy more than 50% of disk space. in our index documents
have TTL, so documents are deleted every day and it causes background merge
of segments. can i change the merge policy and make the overhead of
background merging lower?  
will limiting the number of concurrent merges help(with the maxMergeCount
parameter)? do you know other methods that will help? 

info about my server: 
i use solr 6.5.1 . i index 200/docs per hour for each shard.i hard commit
every 5 minutes. the size of the index in each shard is around 70GB (with
around 15% deletions) . 
i use the following merge policy:
<mergePolicyFactory class="org.apache.solr.index.TieredMergePolicyFactory">
  <int name="maxMergeAtOnce">2</int>
  <int name="segmentsPerTier">4</int>
(the rest of the params are default) 


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