> besides this. why would someone create a (zookeeper) cluster while
> running all server on the same machine??

People wouldn’t in production, the “-e cloud” options without a ZK ensemble is 
just a convenience to get started without setting up a ZK ensemble before you 
can even try out Solr.

> On Jun 6, 2019, at 12:46 AM, Stefan Kärst <stefan.kae...@diva-e.com> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I think it's a good idea add the chroot zookeeper folder at the end of:
> https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/7_0/setting-up-an-external-zookeeper-ensemble.html
> "Once these servers are running, you can reference them from Solr just
> as you did before:"
> bin/solr start -e cloud -z
> localhost:2181,localhost:2182,localhost:2183/solrchroot -noprompt"
> /solrchroot as an example.
> it took me a while to find out by blindly trying. looks like other users
> face the same problem (according to google).
> the error message in the solr logs isn't really helpful in that case.
> besides this. why would someone create a (zookeeper) cluster while
> running all server on the same machine??
> "bin/solr start -e cloud -z
> localhost:2181,zknode1:2181,zknode2:2181/solrchroot -noprompt"
> makes more sense. IMHO
> Cheers!
> Stefan K.

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