Dear community members,

I am setting up an elastic search engine using SOLR. I have few columns
where the datatype is VARCHAR(). The column in the result below(image
uploaded) is a alphanumric document ID. So when I use varchar as a column
datatype and ingest the data into solr as shown in the below result, a hive
property is popped up in the result as shown
below("org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.HiveVarChar"). I have tried using
char but the has no change in result. I would be glad if anyone has faced
this issue and solved it. Can anyone help solve this issue?

PS: I am pretty sure there is no issue with solrconfig file. I have tried
all the possible combination!

"I have tried using Char as datatype and it resulted as

"I have tried using STRING as a datatype but it was ignoring the preceding
0's in my result."

Thank you
[image: image.png]


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