On 6/13/2019 7:30 AM, ennio wrote:
The server for most part runs fine, but when I look at the logs I see from
time to time the following error.

org.eclipse.jetty.io.EofException: Closed

Jetty's EofException is nearly always caused by a specific event:

The client talking to Solr closed the TCP/HTTP connection before Solr was done processing the request. When Solr finally finished the request and tried to respond, Jetty found that it could not send the response, because the TCP connection was gone.

You'll need to adjust the timeouts on your client software so that it allows Solr more time to respond and doesn't close the connection too quickly.

Side note: Java says your server is using 5GB of swap. If that's an accurate value, it's usually an indication that the software on the system is allocating a lot more memory than the server has. It also says that the machine is only using 3GB out of the 8GB available, so the over-allocation must be non-persistent... and is probably periodic/scheduled.

With an index as small as you have, 2GB of heap is probably more than you need. You could likely reduce that to 1GB, maybe even less. Knowing for sure will require experimentation.


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