
Here’s a fuller explanation that you might be interested in:


> On Jun 17, 2019, at 11:32 AM, Bram Biesbrouck 
> <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 7:11 PM Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
>> On 6/17/2019 4:46 AM, Bram Biesbrouck wrote:
>>> q={!parent which=-(parentUri:*)}*:*
>> Pure negative queries do not work in Lucene.  Sometimes, when you do a
>> single-clause negative query, Solr is able to detect the problem and
>> automatically make an adjustment so the query works.  This happens
>> transparently so you never notice.
>> In essence, what your negative query tells Lucene is "start with
>> nothing, and then subtract docs that match this query."  Since you
>> started with nothing and then subtracted, you get nothing.
>> Also, that's a wilcard query.  Which could be very slow if the possible
>> number of values in parentUri is more than a few.  If that field can
>> only contain a very small number of values, then a wildcard query might
>> be fast.
>> The following query solves both problems -- starting with all docs and
>> then subtracting things that match the query clause after that:
>> *:* -parentUri:[* TO *]
>> This will return all documents that do not have the parentUri field
>> defined.  The [* TO *] syntax is an all-inclusive range query.
> Hi Shawn,
> Awesome elaborate explanation, thank you. Also thanks for the optimization
> hint. I found both approaches online, but didn't realize there was a
> performance difference .
> Digging deeper, I've found this SO post, basically explaining why it worked
> some of the time, but not in all cases:
> best,
> b.

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