
I have two collections - collection1 and collection2.
I am doing HTTP request on collection2 using
http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/tcfts/?params={q=col:value AND
_query_:{!join}...AND _query_:{!join}..}

If my query is like - fieldOnCollection1:somevalue AND INNER JOIN (with
collection1) AND ACROSS JOIN( with collection2)

(Q)Drawing analogy to Oracle, how will SOLR execute this query? 
Is there anyway to see in the logs the way SOLR executes all criterias? I
mean the sequence in which it is executed.

When I do JOINs in RDBMS, I specify smallest table first. 
(Q) Do I also need to specify the first criteria as the one where I am
supposed to get less matching documents from SOLR collection?

Any help is appreciated.

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