Hello, We're on Solr 6.2.1 and have a requirement where we need to facet on nested docs. So far we'd been using two pass query approach, where the first query searches within the parent domain and gets all the matching nested doc ids as facets (parent docs keep track of nested docs they contain) and then a second query at the nested doc level that includes the ids of all the matching nested docs as boolean clauses found by query 1. We then go back and correct the facet count for query 1. But with this approach we've been hitting the maxBooleanClauses limit regularly and with the amount of data we're seeing in this area, this approach is just not sustainable.
The answer seems to be JSON faceting with blockChildren. The problem with this approach, at least in 6.2.1, is that filter clause is not supported within the facet domain. blockChildren matches all children of every parent doc matched in the query but in reality I only want a subset of the children - only the ones that match some criteria. Is there a way to filter out children without the need for the filter clause and without having to move to Solr 6.4? Reference: http://yonik.com/solr-nested-objects/#faceting Thanks, Srijan