Maybe in this scenario a Secure Enclave could make sense (eg Intel sgx)?

The scenario that you describes looks like MIT CryptDB, eg

> Am 25.06.2019 um 21:05 schrieb Tim Casey <>:
> My two cents worth of comment,
> For our local lucene indexes we use AES encryption.  We encrypt the blocks
> on the way out, decrypt on the way in.
> We are using a C version of lucene, not the java version.  But, I suspect
> the same methodology could be applied.  This assumes the data at rest is
> the attack vector for discovering what is in the invertible index.  But
> allows for the indexing/querying to be done in the clear.  This would allow
> for stemming and the like.
> If you have an attack vector in which the indexing/querying are not
> trusted, then you have a whole different set of problems.
> To do stemming, you need a homomorphic encryption scheme which would allow
> per character/byte queries.  This is different type of attack vector than
> the on-disk encryption.  To me, this implies the query system itself is
> untrusted and you are indexing/querying encrypted content.  The first
> "thing" people are going to try  is to hash a token into a 256bit value
> which becomes the indexable token value.  This leads to the lack of
> stemming from above comments.  Depending on how keys are handled and hashes
> are generated you can run out of token space in the various underlying
> lucene indexes because you have more than 2 million tokens.
>> On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 10:21 AM Ahuja, Sakshi <> wrote:
>> I am actually looking for the best option so currently doing research on
>> it.
>> For Window's FS encryption I didn't find a way to use different
>> Username/Password. It by default takes window's username/password to
>> encrypt and decrypt.
>> I tried bitlocker too for creating encrypted virtual directory (Which
>> allows me to use different credentials) and to keep Solr Index in that but
>> somehow Solr Admin was unable to access Index from that encrypted
>> directory. Not sure how that is working.
>> If you have any idea on that- will wok for me. Thanks!
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jörn Franke <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 12:47 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Encrypting Solr Index
>> Why does FS encryption does not serve your use case?
>> Can’t you apply it also for backups etc?
>>> Am 25.06.2019 um 17:32 schrieb Ahuja, Sakshi <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am using solr 6.6 and want to encrypt index for security reasons. I
>> have tried Windows FS encryption option that works but want to know if solr
>> has some inbuilt feature to encrypt index or any good way to encrypt solr
>> index?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sakshi

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